However I have come a long way in terms of my modeling ability alone just from attempting this test. I'm thrilled I can watch my own progress like this, it makes me extremely excited about just how far I can go and what I can do. Practice, practice, practice!
As for the test, It was modeling a woman wearing a shawl in zBrush and retopoing it out in maya.
This is a close up shot of the model in high resolution in Zbrush. The folds for the shawl where enough to make me want to slam my head against the keyboard, but I learned how to take the geometry and essentially fold it over each other in order to give it that feeling of gravity and weight. It's still far, far from perfect, but I achieved a pretty decent idea of it.
Annnd a quick front render of the model and the shawl - (note: the arm on the left is eventually going to be hidden under the shawl as if it was falling naturally at her side.) As far as a first time test I suppose I could have done worse, but I could also do a lot better. I'm excited to restart this project and log it's events next month!
A quick Side Shot
And a quick shot of the Retopoing process within Maya2015. Slow and arduous work, but also mildly therapeutic in a way.
Overall I'm not super proud of myself, seeing as I have to give the test another go next month. However I learned a lot of valuable time saving skills and refined my style even more. Id call this month a super intensive practice session, and as far as practice goes this paid off handsomely!