Saturday, August 30, 2014

CAN1- Final Walkcycle animation

My final for CAN1 this month- Bugsy the bugs walk cycle and turn around. It was very different to animate this guy, but I learned a huge amount about the graph editor, and counter animating. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

VEF1 Final Project: Soft Bodies

The last project in VEF1 this August was a soft-bodies simulation. For mine, I created cubes of jello falling, and bouncing/jiggling with moderately realistic jello/soft-body physics.

Rendered in MAYA2014 - Models and Simulation by Emily Childrey - Music by Jessie Rose. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

CAN1- Final Project and Image Uploads

Emily Childrey - CAN1 - August 2014

Project one - Eggy Walk Cycle:

Both of these play blasts were part of my final turn in for CAN1, project 1. A basic walk cycle and an attempted turn-around. 

CAN1 - Poses Preproduction

CAN1 - PreProduction Drawings

For CAN1- we had to use pre-production style storyboarding to create thumbnail sketches and final boards to create ideas for our strong poses assignment.

This assignment was good for working on our quick sketch, storyboard, and posing skills as well as making sure you have a good plan before animating anything in your scene.

Monday, August 11, 2014

VEF1 - Project 1: Rigid Bodies Overveiw and Finalized render

Project: Rigid and Passive Bodies in Maya2014

For this project in VEF1, August 2014, we had to use Mayas Rigid Bodies system to create a working Rube Goldberg machine inside of the project. We also themed it, and rendered it out. The tools for the project we used included constraints such as Pin, Nail, hinge, and springs. The fields I used most were gravity, and uniform. I did some extra research on the hinge constraints and the gravity field in order to make my animation look more realistic.